When two interdependent life forces come together with a common purpose of realizing the full potential of themselves and others, alchemy is possible, magic can happen. It was the right place at the right time, and most of all being present to what was unfolding.
Gillian and Richard met in Kaslo in 1992 on the first day of the first annual Kaslo jazz festival. It wasn’t fireworks at first. Richard was getting his life figured out and Gillian was looking for a new beginning. They are so different in so many ways, however they share one heart that together they bring to all humanity.

In 2017 after 23 years of marriage, parenting, and working in the field of harm reduction and drug policy reform, public speaking and advocacy, business, creating beauty, and community, they decided to return to Kaslo, unaware of what was about to be unleashed with the creation of The Sentinel. It soon became clear that all their years together working with communities and individuals, plus doing their own inner work was about to coalesce into a new energy at the Sentinel. They had never actually worked together before…
Through their own experience, Richard & Gillian understand that life presents choices – the old ways or the new. Which most supports the human existence? They are dedicated to the evolution of humanity and realizing its full potential, by means of the most cutting-edge practices and modalities available.
The Psychedelic Association of Canada was birthed at The Sentinel, which is an organisation of dedicated individuals who support education, safety and best practices using psychedelic substances and plant-based medicines. They advocate for access to and the safe use of these medicines. www.psychedelicassociation.net
The Sentinel is also the story of a channeled 3,000-4,000 year old stone entity (the sentinel); it is the years of relationship with groups and individuals that support its values; it is the amazing team of people that hold work here and hold themselves and others in the highest regard; it is the dedicated and courageous clients and visitors who come knowing they will leave transformed and bring what they received back to their every day lives. All these are facets are interwoven with life’s journey that supports and creates the greater Sentinel community.
There is no greater gift to oneself than being in service, our freedom is not separate from others. It is time to listen to the medicine and bring ancient knowledge into existence. The feminine is taking its rightful place and is supported and held by the masculine.
Gillian and Richard continue to do their own work peeling back the layers of morass revealing what wishes to emerge into existence. Come and join us by booking a private ceremonial retreat.
“Remember who you Are”