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Rebirthing The New Earth

July 25 - July 28

“We are living in the time that has been foretold by countless prophecies, a time of evolutionary potential and quickening, known as The Great Turning. Every level of consciousness and all sentient beings are in a process of evolutionary transformation. Death and rebirth are everywhere. The pressure is great, the challenge is epic, and we each are the chosen ones who get to imagine a whole new earth into being.”

Robin Flynn & Darcy Kopas : https://visionaryhearts.com
Rebirthing The New Earth is a dynamic and delightful blend of nervous system science and the beautiful cross-cultural shamanic teachings of The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. In this time together we will explore intentional practices for creating new ways of being within ourselves and within the world; we will acknowledge that the earth is dramatically changing, and with it, we are being asked to change too.
We believe that we are in a powerful time of transition and initiation, one that is calling forth those who know, deep within themselves that the ways we have been living are not in alignment with the highest potential of humanity and all life on earth.
In our time together, we will contemplate…
    • What tools and practices can we live and embody to help our rebirthing process?
    • What is required of us in order to become beings who can live on this new earth?
    • How can we become loving custodians of the earth and evolve alongside her?
    • How can we be in right relationship with all of life?
We will begin the weekend with a chance to dive into breath and ceremonial rebirthing containers to help us shed the layers that no longer serve us and where we are headed. This is done in a gentle and loving way; there is no need to force this rebirthing, all that is ready to fall away does so with grace. From this place we will lean into powerful shamanic practices Ayni, of group journeying, and connecting with the earth.
This retreat begins on Thursday, July 25 @ 3pm and ends on Sunday, July 28 @ 1pm.
It is essential that you are present for the whole time.
Thursday July 25th
3pm Introductions, Teachings & Group Rebirthing Journey
7pm Dinner & Rest
Friday July 26th
9-10am Breakfast
1030-1pm: Practices + Teachings
1-2pm Lunch
2-830pm Rest & Time for Massage and Spa
830: Gather in Maloca
930pm Forest Medicine Ceremony
Saturday July 27th
Brunch 1030am
12pm Gather in Maloca
Movement + Somatic Integration
Time Outside to Forest Bathe, be with the earth
Despacho: Earth Honouring Offering
6pm Dinner
9pm Fire Offering
Sunday July 28th
9am Breakfast + Check out
1030-1pm Integration talk and closing


July 25
July 28
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